Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy birthday Tan Man!

Tanner and Charlie are best buddies!  We hope you have an awesome birthday Tanner!  (The first picture was taken in May 2007, the second picture was taken Labor Day 2007.)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Gentleman In His Jammies

Charlie looks SO cute in these PJ's from Aunt Susie!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rock 'n Roll

Rock 'n Roll

We have cabin fever at our house!  With all of the snow storms we don't get out much. Entertainment of any sort is welcome.
Christian recently got "guitar hero" (I call it rock star) for his birthday.  Let's just say, he's enjoying it.  Today, with close supervision, Charlie got to participate.  He thought it was pretty cool!
My contribution to our entertainment today was to make cupcakes.  Does that sound like me, or what?  Charlie helped me by putting the liners in each of the cups.  He's a pretty smart little guy.  I'll admit, he sampled the cake batter.  He just kept looking at me with those sweet brown eyes and saying "mmmmm."  His response was the same when he actually ate the cupcake.  "Mmmmmm!'