These are my boys. I'm not sure it gets any better than this!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Life goes on.
If I remember correctly, when Charlie was born I napped when he napped. I sat around and held him. I was pretty much in hibernation the entire summer, or so it seemed. This is not the case with Adam. I sleep when he sleeps (at night). Some nights he's more generous than others, but as for the day time, life goes on!
We have been spotted at the park, many times. We play outside, sometimes for hours on end. We even went to church today. The bottom line is Charlie has no interest in hibernating.
Last Friday we had our friends Courtney (Mom) and Sam (almost 2 years old) over to play. It was a lot of fun. The boys had a blast in the pool, and it was nice for me to have some adult company. I guess it's not so bad not hibernating.
As for Adam, I posted pictures of his first bath at home. Of course they bathed him in the hospital, thank goodness! It only took us about 10 days to get him something more than a sponge bath. He didn't smell bad, and what can I say, we're tired!
By the way, he's wonderful!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Charlie turns two!
It is hard to believe that two years have passed since we became parents! On the other hand, it's almost impossible to remember life before Charlie.
On the 11th of June we celebrated Charlie's 2nd birthday. We had some friends over for pizza, cake, and ice cream. Charlie had so much fun playing with Lucy, Violet, Estelle, and Sam that he wasn't even interested in eating his birthday cake.
The day after his birthday Grandma Vicki and Papa Ken came from Seattle. We had another birthday party at Grandma Sheri and Papa Dennis' house on Saturday. Some of Charlie's cousins were able to come, and he had a blast! After the first time we sang "Happy Birthday" he blew his candles out and said "AGAIN!" So, we re-lit his candles and sang two more times. It was so much fun!
Papa Ken (fondly called Papa Pie by Charlie) and Grandma Vicki went home today. I think we all feel a little down. It was so fun to have them here. Also, it was great to have Grandpa here to play with Charlie, and Grandma here to hold the baby. We're going to miss them so much!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Are we tired yet?
Are we tired, yet? The answer is yes! Less than one week in, and our eyes are starting to show our lack of sleep. Actually, I think we have slept much better this time around than we did after bringing Charlie home. The very fact that Charlie is turning two this week, definitely still alive, gives us hope that we might be able to keep Adam alive, as well. We are embracing the changes that go along with a new BABE, but we will anxiously look forward to restful nights!
The top picture was taken two years ago when we were blessed with Charlie! It will be interesting to see if the boys continue to look alike as Adam gets bigger.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
The wait is over!
Adam Christian Cole is finally here! We are so excited to have a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He was born on Tuesday June 3 at 6:34 PM. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces, and is 21 inches long. There were no complications, and I'm happy to say that the labor was short and as torture free as labor could possibly be.
Charlie has been so sweet with Adam. Mostly, it was hard for him to be away from Mommy and Daddy for a couple of days. And, believe me, it was hard for Mommy and Daddy to be away from him! Thanks to Grandma Sheri and Auntie Marni, he got more love than a little guy could ever possibly need!
We are looking forward to watching our boys as they grow together. We feel beyond blessed!
Thank you to all of our loved ones for your support, both physical and mental!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Staying entertained.
I wish I could say that we are patiently awaiting the arrival of Charlie's little brother, but we definitely are not feeling patient. Last Friday, to stay entertained, Grandma Sheri and I picked up Logan and Payton and went to visit our friends new baby goats. As you can see, the boys had a blast! It's not every day that you get to run around with three little baby pigmy goats and a fourteen year old, very tame, billy goat. We had a lot of fun!
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