Sunday, August 10, 2008

More, fun!

If anyone is wondering why I placed a comma after "more" in the heading, I will explain. Charlie's is speaking so much. He tries to tell you what everything is. It's so cute the way he very seperately and deliberately says a word. If there is more than one of anything it is described as more. For example: Let's say he has two cookies on his tray. He would point to the first cookie and say "cookie." Then, he would point to the second cookie and say "more. cookie." Therefore, MORE. FUN!

As for Adam, do you think he stuck out his tongue on purpose?

Wedded Bliss!

This blog is in celebration of our newly wedded friends Corper and Gretchen! They were married on August 1st in NYC. 

Yesterday we had a bridal shower for Gretchen at Faustina (a resteraunt here in Salt Lake). It was so fun to celebrate with her by eating great food (a necessity), chatting, and showering her with gifts!

Congratulations, you two! We expect to have some good things coming from your kitchen, Gigi!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Adam's Blessing

First, I will apologize, because the pictures are out of order. That being said, Adam was blessed at church today. Papa Dennis gave him a beautiful blessing, and he was such a good boy. He didn't make a peep! Charlie thought it was a party! He thoroughly enjoyed having all of his cousins at church with him. His noise level reflected his happiness!

After the meeting we all gathered at Dennis and Sheri's for lunch. We also celebrated our nephew/cousin Brennan's 11th birthday. As you can see, Charlie leaned right in and blew out his candles. That's one thing he enjoys doing. He's getting pretty good at it. Thanks, Brennan, for sharing your birthday with us, and for being such a good pal to Charlie. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 

Thanks to all of our family members and friends for joining us on this important day. We love you all!