Wednesday, September 30, 2009

All In a Regular Day

Charlie drew this picture of a dinasour. As you can see, his dinasour face is very scary!
I remember Charlie organizing his blocks on the handle of the oven door. Adam was organizing Charlie's shoes. Pretty smart!

We went to Estelle's birthday party and I accidentally left the camera in the car. So, these are the only pictures we have frome Estelle's birthday.

The picture above is possibly one of my very favorite pictures of the boys. I guess it's because this is how we see them all of the time. Before too long they won't fit side by side in the tub. It's very sweet.

I'm disappointed in myself for not continually writing the funny things the boys say. So, here are a few recent things:

About a week ago, Christian brought Charlie skittles at the end of the day. Of course, when he had finished what Christian gave him, he came looking for more. When I told him that he couldn't have anymore, he yelled at me, while pointing his finger, "I'm gonna go outside and get in that truck and drive it and go live at Gradma's house!!!!" When I responded by saying, "Actually, I think I'll go live at Grandma's", he got immediately upset. He said "No Mama, I would miss you."

One of my favorite things about Charlie is that he's always making up words and names. He has many imaginary friends who often play sports with him. Their names are not always the same, but some of them might be Dranger, Boomer, Crasher, Hanger, Handger, Hoiner. He's so imaginative! He dreams up some pretty funny things.

Adam is so cute right now. He's almost always wearing a smile. He's jibber jabbering up a storm. The other night, in the middle of the night, he used his first two word combo. He said, while grabbing his foot, "toes, Mama." Then, today, he did it again. He said, "Dada go?" He was wondering where Christian was.

His favorite things are hide and go seek, taking baths, and dancing. He carries around books but doesn't always have the attention span to finish reading one. He's already wrestling Charlie, which doesn't always turn out well. He gives very sweet little kisses, and even likes to kiss himself in the mirror. He's a great sleeper and is generally very happy. He is so easy to adore!

Monday, September 14, 2009

End of Summer Fun

First, I must apologize for being so long in between posts. It's just not okay. We have had a wonderful summer. It's flown by. Our Labor Day trip to St George was not photographed. I didn't have my camera. Bummer! See, all of you people who laugh at me for carrying my camera around. It's not fun to not have pictures! I'll try to be better about posting. The boys are constantly changing, especially Adam. We can't miss it!Above: Charlie and I went on our first real hike together. We hiked Ensign Peak, and he was awesome! I only held him on a really steep spot where I didn't want him to fall. Otherwise, he did it all with his own two wonderful little legs!
Below: We had our friends the Nuttalls over for dinner. Jacob and Christian were outside. Michelle and I were in the kitchen. When we decided to check on the kids we found them sliding down the stairs on the couch cushions. Pretty clever! You can see that Charlie's not pleased about having to stop!

The best thing about my birthday is chocolate as often as possible! The boys surprised me with chocolate cake and flowers for breakfast. I'm a lucky girl. 33's not so bad.

Charlie's doing great at riding his bike (with training wheels). Christian took him to buy his first helmet. You knew it was going to be the coolest helmet they could find. Charlie loves it!
We had another trip to the zoo. My friend Courtney came with her boys, Sam and Max. We have so many babies at the zoo right now; tigers, a snow leopard, a baby elephant, a baby giraffe. Pretty fun!

Charlie and Adam both love it when Estelle comes to play. She's like their little sweetheart.
We had a really fun time swimming at the Bountiful Rec Center with the Wyatt girls. Charlie has asked a few times, "When can we go back to that Rock Center?"

Adam is enjoying his independance. We have to be careful not to leave the door open in our room, even for fresh air. Adam will open the screen door and let himself out to play. He's a lot of fun!

He's at the age of always looking like he was beaten!
Charlie and I were downstairs doing some laundry. We weren't down there that long, but I could hear Adam whining. When we came back up, we found Adam all tangled up in the net on Charlie's soccer goal.
Adam wants to be a big boy, just like Charlie. He loves to do whatever Charlie is doing. He's trying to repeat every word you tell him to say. It's all jibber jab, but it's so fun. His regular words are Mama, Dada, eee (eat), nana (banana), num (yummy), baba (bottle), bye (whether he's saying hi or bye, he waves his cute little hand), hi, heyo (hell0), go (means both let's go, and where did it go). He likes to throw his little stuffed crab out of his crib in the morning. When you go in his room to get him he kind of runs around in his crib with his little hands up saying, "go? go?" His latest thing this week is he likes to kiss his reflection. Whether it's in a mirror, or in a window, he'll do a tiny little pucker with his lips and give himself a kiss. He even makes a little smack sound. It's adorable!