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Charlie was so adoreable with his newest little neice, Presley! He was holding her so gently. He said to me, "Mom, she's so pretty."
The holidays were a lot of fun for us this year. We had some fun parties, and we spent quite a bit of time with family and friends.
Before we left for Seattle, Regalie Grandma and Papa came over for dinner and to exchange gifts.

Charlie figured out exactly why he calls his Grandparents in WA Far Away Grandma and Papa. We had been on the road for about 13 hours when Charlie said, in a whiny voice, "Ahhh, I really want some juice. Just turn back!" He had no clue that it would take as long to get back home as it had taken to get where we were.
On Christmas Eve Day Charlie played Grandma and Papa's Weez (wii) for the first time. He was hooked!
Christmas Eve was spent at Papa Craig's. He spoiled them so much that on the way back to Grandma and Papa's Charlie announced, "I really like Santa, but I don't need any more presents." He wanted to play "weez" instead of going to bed so that Santa could come. He went to bed anyway, and Santa did come!

I had been working on some knitting projects for the boys. Adam's teddy bear was finished, but Charlie's snake was not. Just like my mom used to do, I stayed up until 3 am finishing the snake. I knew I couldn't give Adi his bear and not give Char his snake.
The boys were kind enough to let us sleep until after 9 in the morning. Uncle Paul got the air matress. Again!
Charlie and Adam were the most thrilled with the Pez in their socks!

And, of course, more candy!
Santa brought Adam a whinnie the pooh remote control car!
Santa had the same idea as Grandma and Papa Far Away. Charlie got 2 Leapsters! He returned one for some new games. He loves it!

Great Grandma Toni doesn't look a day over 80! 

What's that saying? You are what you eat. What a little turkey!

Adam got lots of art goods. He color color colored the whole time we were there. I'm hoping they haven't found any works of art on their walls or floors.
Papa Craig took us to a hockey game. Charlie thought it was SO COOL!!!

Our friend Noelle was in Seattle for Christmas with her family. They came over to play one day. Kanani also came with her little boy.

New Years Eve was a pretty sleepy celebration! We all ebbed and flowed. Sometimes we were awake, sometimes we were napping. We all managed to wake up to celebrate the midnight hour. Happy New Year! It's 2010!

What a great vacation! It's wonderful to have time together, without the interruptions of regular life. We love each other, and we love our family! We are extreamly fortunate to have so much. It just means that we have a lot to give!