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The great Northwest welcomed us with incredible weather, and a beautiful sunset!

Nothin' like a trip to Costco to start things off right. The kids enjoyed their easy ride.
Snowqualmie Falls is beautiful, even when it's under construction. In the past we've hiked to the bottom of the falls, but it's closed until 2012. We were still glad we went!
A visit to the park by Great-Grandma Toni's house, proved to be a good time for all!

The boys loved this friendly cat on Great-Grandma's street.
Great-Grandma's only 91 years older than Adam!
Baking cookies might be more work with six extra hands, and 3 extra mouths, but it sure is more fun!

We dragged our nephew Tanner around the city with us. He experienced some new things, including a fairy boat ride.
We also made Michele come everywhere with us. Lunch on Alki was a treat!
Paul's girlfriend, Allyson, lives on the Sahalee golf course. She and her kids had us over for dinner. We really enjoyed the beauty around us!

Roasting marshmallows in the back yard was a lot of fun, and as tall as the pine trees were, we truly felt like we were camping!
Adam loved eating a s'more. Charlie likes to roast the marshmallows, but he's not interested in eating them. He doesn't like how messy they are!

We visited the Ballard Locks, where boats pass back and forth between Lake Washington and the Puget Sound. The locks have been functioning in the very same manner since the early 1900's. It was pretty cool. We even saw a huge fishing boat go through!
Charlie took this picture of me and Adam in the gardens by the locks. Not bad for a four year old!
Ray's boat house was recommended to us by one of my clients. It's very close to the locks, so we went there for lunch on the same day. The view, as we ate lunch, was beautiful. We gave it two thumbs up!

After five fabulous days in Seattle, we made our way to Long Beach, WA. The weather left something to be desired, but the boys didn't care. There's something magical about the ocean, that is for sure!

Four days later, it was time to go home. By luck, we ended up on highway 14 that runs along the Washington side of the Columbia River. The views were amazing. We were so glad that construction on another road sent us this way. We wouldn't have known what we were missing. It was beautiful!
As we passed back over into Oregon, we drove on the Bridge of the Gods. This picture doesn't do it justice. It was a really cool view. We arrived home at 4:30 am. Pooped! We had a wonderful vacation!
We have had a fun summer, full of popcicles and fun in the sun! Papa Regali built a little water slide off of his deck. Just in case the kids were looking for another fun thing to do!
We spent the 4th of July in St George. What a great time to go! It was like a ghost town. The boys know that Papa will always find some money for the ice cream truck.
Adam was kind enough to share with Papa. He was walking around saying, "Papa, you too nice." In his cute little 2 year old voice.

There was a bit of time, in this fountain, where Charlie and Adam were the only kids. That would never happen any other time. Charlie was pretending to be Avatar, controling the water.

It was a lot of fun to spend time with Paul and Allyson, and her kids, India and Owen. We lit fireworks in front of the house, to celebrate the 4th of July!
India, Allyson, and Owen, enjoying the spectacular firework display!

On the 5th of July, we were thrilled to get a new cousin/nephew. Kellan Thomas Ray was born. Ben and Lori are his Mom and Dad.Eight days later, we got ANOTHER cousin. Todd, my nephew, and his wife, Tracy, welcomed a little girl Alexis Lilly Richards. I will post a picture later.
We took dinner to Ben, Lori, and Kellan. Charlie had a great time being teased by Uncle Ben!
These are some super cute boys! Luke, Adam, Drew, and Charlie were having a good time at our summer time play date.
July 14th marke our 9th wedding anniversary. We went to Logan, hiked to the wind caves, then went to watch our nephew Hunter's soccer tournament. It was a great day! I'm lucky to have such a wonderful husband!

We discovered that Hunter wears number 20, which was special to Christian. It was his high school number.
Adam does not like to have his teeth brushed. In this picture he was hiding under Charlie's bed, so I couldn't get him!
Popcicles are essential to summer fun. In our house bibs and hardfloors are required.
On August 4th, while we were in Washington, we were blessed with one more baby! Garrett Don Ray was born. Josh and Kelly are his parents, and Logan and Payton are his very proud brothers!
Last Friday we had a little field trip to Wheeler Farm. Quinci and Ellen were with us. Grandma Sheri and SueAnn came with Jocelyn, Hunter, and Darcy. Kylie and McKenna were dropped off at the salon so that Uncle Christian could do their hair for school.
Above: Ellen, Adam, and Cici (Quinci). Below: Charlie, Cici, and Joceyln.

Charlie and Ellie Girl are the best of friends, like two peas in a pod.
Above: Jocelyn, and Cici Below: Adam and Charlie with Samantha; their very first babysitter. Samantha is off to college at Utah State. We will miss her. She started babysitting when Charlie was about 8 months old. We were lucky to have her!