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Christmas morning was very exciting for Charlie and Adam. They peeked over the balcony in great anticipation, wondering if Santa came.
Santa did come! Charlie and Adam must have been on the nice list. Charlie got the batcave he wanted, and Adam got his moon dough.

We were so glad to share Christmas morning with Regalie Grandma and Papa. It made it a lot more fun!
Some other gifts that Charlie recieved: A Superhero Squad blanket, A Superhero Squad art set, a Toy Story 3 alien fishing game, a small motorcycle course, light up shoes, and batman boots, a hot wheels car launcher, and some fun legos and other building toys. What a lucky boy!
Some other gifts that Adam recieved: An alphabet train puzzle, a small motorcycle course, a pirate ship and pirate cave, megablox, light up shoes, and Thomas the train boots, and and art set. He loved Christmas!
Charlie and Adam were excited to play with their clay.
On Christmas afternoon, Darin and SueAnn came with their kids. We ate lunch, and the kids enjoyed playing with their cousins! Another Christmas came and went. We had a great time, and the boys can't wait for next year!!!
One of the best things that happened to us before Christmas is that Santa came to our house on a Wednesday night. He had already left coats on the porch for Charlie and Adam a couple of weeks before, and we'd heard a rumor that he was doing visits in our neighborhood, but when we heard bells jingling on our front porch, we could not believe it!!!
Santa couldn't bring his reindeer (they were resting for Christmas Eve night), but he brought part of his magical rein. He showed Charlie and Adam how it worked.
He even let them touch it, and he showed them some of his other magic. Did you know that we each have a light inside of us? He took Charlie and Adam's lights out, then put them back in!
He told us that Jesus Christ is the reason that we have Christmas. He's also the reason that we have a light inside of us (the light of Christ). He reminded us that Christmas is about the joy of giving.
Charlie and Adam each got to sit on Santa's lap. He gave them each some candy and a stuffed version of their very own elves. Santa told them that "Elpharlie and Elphadam" had been giving him good reports on their behavior. Charlie and Adam have known that their elves were watching them! It was a very special visit!
On Christmas Eve we had a special celebration at Regalie Grandma and Papa's house.
The Grinch came (Grandma Sheri) and gave each family the book of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas."
You can see that Libbie liked the Grinch. Charlie did not! He was very scared, and wanted nothing to do with him. Grandma didn't want to scare him, so her mask wasn't on long.
Along with our story books we each got a stuffed grinch. (Above: Aunt Libbie and little Alexis)
Above: Todd, Alexis, and Tracy with the GrinchBelow: Brennan, Kelton, Libbie, and Kaden

Above: A loving Adam, and a less loving Charlie Below: Logan, Garrett, and Payton
One of the highlights of the evening, was that somehow, Santa managed to drop a load of PJs on the porch for the kids! What a surprise!

Above: Grandma Regalie with Alexis and Presley Below: Daddy, and Charlie showing something great to Aunt Ashley

Energy level winding down....for some.
The kids enjoyed opening presents from Grandma and Papa. We enjoyed watching them play with their toys!
Lori and Ashley are great Moms, and kind of like sister wives (JK)! Married to Dan and Ben, they take care of each others babies often. Kellan is 6 months old here, and Presley, just more than a year.
Does this woman look like a Grandmother??? Well, she is! This gorgeous little Alexis Lilly is Carolyn and Matt's first grand child.
For me, one of the best parts of Christmas is our annual service project or charity. This year, Matt chose for us to help the orphanage that he did service for last February. We had a lot of fun gathering toys and other necessary items for the orphans. We also raised almost one thousand dollars for them to have fresh vegetables. They rarely are able to have a balanced meal. It was a blessing to be able to do this! 

Aunt Kellie and Uncle Josh keep baby Garrett fed. This little guy is a tank! So cute!
Adam enjoyed the service project as much as anyone! (Above with Papa Regalie, below with his awesome cousin Brennan)
Above: Uncle Ben with his cute little niece PresleyBelow: Presley's proud parents, Dan and Ashley (with Matt in the background)

Above: Aunt Lori with her fabulous artichoke dip (one spicy, one not) 
Above: the very handsome baby KellanBelow: the very beautiful baby Presley with her Daddy, Dan

Mama love! Above: Lori and Kellan, Below: Tracy and Alexis

At the end of the night, when all of the cousins and Aunts and Uncles went home, we stayed. The boys were cozy in their new jammies from Santa, and they opened their Christmas books from Mom and Dad. Charlie got a traditional copy of "Twas The Night Before Christmas," which he thought was boring at first, then changed his mind. Adam got a much more exciting copy of a Little People Christmas, full of peek-a-boo windows. It was a wonderful night, and we were ready to dream of sugar plums. Another Christmas Eve come and gone.