Happy Birthday, Christian!On the 30th we celebrated Christian's 36th birthday! WOW! Some of our friends joined us to eat good food while Gma & Gpa Ray watched the boys. above: Gretchen and Corper
below: Jacob and Justin above: Brittany and Michelle
I am getting so stressed about being older these days. I guess I can always know that Christian is even older than me. Just kidding. Isn't it hard to get old and have to feel responsible. Sometimes I miss the good old days. We didn't get enough time to be roommates and hang out.
I am getting so stressed about being older these days. I guess I can always know that Christian is even older than me. Just kidding. Isn't it hard to get old and have to feel responsible. Sometimes I miss the good old days. We didn't get enough time to be roommates and hang out.
Seriously! We're getting so old!
Wow time flys... I thought of you on your birthday Christian, I hope it was a good one. You are stil handsome as ever! :)
That was so fun. And yes, we are all getting so old. Geesh! Not to old to make immature dirty jokes all night though. We'll never be too old for that.
"Going to the Country, Gonna Eat a lot of Peaches!"
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