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Last Sunday at our house...
This is obviously not last Sunday. First, we want to say Happy Birthday to Papa Pie Ken! We wish we could be in Washington to celebrate! The top picture was taken on 9/1/07. Papa Pie loves music! So does Charlie! The bottom picture was taken on 6/13/08. Adam (10 days old) was enjoying some sunshine with his Papa!
We finally allowed Charlie to enjoy the art easel that Grandma and Grandpa Ray gave him for his birthday last year. He enjoyed it even more than he would have 9 months ago!
Adam was a very busy boy on Sunday! He was in the refrigerator, trying new snacks, climbing on Daddy, getting his haircut.....

Future rocker? We can only hope :)! Christian has a new hobbie! Watch out world!
Adam's first haircut.
This is Charlie's first construction paper chain. We made it to count the days until our visit from Grandma Vicki, Papa Ken, Uncle Paul, and Cousin Tanny! We are so excited! We told Charlie when they get here he can go to Chucky Cheeses with his cousin Tanner!
Adam ate a small piece of the construction paper. I was in the kitchen doing dishes. Adam kept bumping my legs with his head, like a little kitty. He does this when he wants me to pick him up. I kept doing what I was doing, and he puked all over my feet! Right on top was a small red triangular shaped piece of construction paper. He eats everything!
This was not on Sunday, this was last Thursday. Charlie's friend Luke came to play. You'll see that he has a little "bed head." Charlie patted him on the head and said, "You need a haircut, Buddy!"
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