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The Annual Ray Family (better late than never) Halloween Party
The Ray Family Halloween party happened later than ever this year. Due to scheduling conflicts, we didn't celebrate until November 6th. We had a great time! No one seemed to mind that Halloween was technically over.
Our three newest partiers were shocked by how crazy things get! They all looked cute, and we loved seeing them in their costumes (l to r, Kellan, Garrett, and Presley).
The greatest thing about having our party on November 6th was that we got to celebrate Hunter's 12th birthday with him!
Crazy McKenna!
The trampoline is always a big hit! Especially if you're Adam's size. Jocie and Charlie bounced him around, along with anyone else who had a chance!

Ty dressed up as a banana. What Halloween Pary can go without a banana?!
The Wyatt girls, Emma and Quinci, were darling as ever, dressed as a princess and a lady bug.
The big kids, in this case Jocie, always like to carry the little kids around. Whether the little kids like it or not!
Matt and Carolyn also had cause to celebrate. The next day was Carloyn's 40th birthday!
Ellie girl was our greek goddess. She was as beautiful as the sunset behind her!
Aunt Ashley kind of had to protect Presley from Adam. He just wanted to love and love and love her!
One of the best things about our family right now, is that if you want a baby, you can find one. Aunt Carolyn took her turn feeding Baby Kellan.
Presley's little lamb costume was one of the cutest costumes I've seen!
Rylee (middle) and her friend Alex took time to comfort Charlie. He was suffering with the anticipation of Ty's spook alley! It was pretty good!
Nothin' better than cousin time! Darcy, Ellie Girl, and Kelton all survived the spook alley! BTW the next weekend, Kelton's little league football team to the championship. Congratulations, Kelton!
Baby Kellan (with his Mama Lori) made the cutest little monkey! These costumes were so great!
We made time for birthday celebrations. First we sang to Hunter, then Carolyn!

We played a game where everyone tried to guess the number of suckers in the jar. It was a two way tie! There were 132 suckers in the jar. Darcy guess 126, and McKenna guessed 138. What are the chances? At least they share the same house, so it wasn't too tricky to share the suckers, too.
One of our favorite traditions each year is the pinata! And, I love the annual picture of everyone lined up against the door. I left their "red eye" because they look like little monsters! (L to R, Emma, Logan, Hunter, Quinci, McKenna, Ellen, Kelton, Payton, Jocie Libbie, Adam, and Charlie) Darcy is having her way with the pumpkin!
There were a few tears shed when the party ended, but not for Adam and Charlie. They topped it all off with a nice big bubble bath!
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