Sometime in the begining of March, Charlie and Adam both got an infection in their eyes. It was pretty much a pain to do drops in their eyes three times a day for ten days. As a reward, they each got a fish at the end of the ten days.
On the way to the pet store, Charlie said," Why can we only get a fish, why can't we just get a dog, or something?" I told him we have to start somewhere.
Charlie named his fish Momo. Adam named his fish Grape the Grape (he really wanted a purple fish, blue had to do).

Charlie and Adam are really starting to have fun together. They play pretty well, and it's fun to hear them pretending together. They're super into imaginary play.

Cousins are always a highlight at our house! One night in March, we were lucky enough to have Ellie Girl and Baby Kellan!

We have had a really chilly spring, but all it takes is one nice day to go to the zoo.
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