Thursday, June 5, 2008

The wait is over!

Adam Christian Cole is finally here! We are so excited to have a beautiful, healthy baby boy. He was born on Tuesday June 3 at 6:34 PM. He weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces, and is 21 inches long. There were no complications, and I'm happy to say that the labor was short and as torture free as labor could possibly be.

Charlie has been so sweet with Adam. Mostly, it was hard for him to be away from Mommy and Daddy for a couple of days. And, believe me, it was hard for Mommy and Daddy to be away from him! Thanks to Grandma Sheri and Auntie Marni, he got more love than a little guy could ever possibly need!

We are looking forward to watching our boys as they grow together. We feel beyond blessed!

Thank you to all of our loved ones for your support, both physical and mental!


mushbelly said...

Welcome Adam! He is so adorable - its like seeing Charlie 2 years ago. What ad adorable family. We love you guys!

Garrick, Holly & fam. said...

Congratulations! He is so cute. I was so glad to see you started blogging!